Project Support
Each school has their own unique issues, but at the heart of each problem is the lack of supplies for teachers and students, as well as the books themselves. We are currently working in the Wordia Region around Gonder, Ethiopia. Currently we are working with the regional coordinator for education from the Ethiopian government. There are 8 schools in this area, and each have their own needs. We hope to secure the necessary school books for each grade level in each school. We also hope to promote college education for our high school students. Our hope is to see at least 50% of these students attend college (that is higher than the country's average). We are hoping to provide scholarships for the top students, to educate parents on the importance of post high school education, and to begin a leadership academy teaching the students how to be leaders in their community and in their school. We are passionate to create better leaders in our youth that we work with. With transparency at the center of what Acts of Wisdom is about, we seek to be an organization that serves the poor in developing countries and to also serve our donors who wish to help them. Our model is this: to help better the education of students in rural Africa, and in the process, connect the donors to the communities that they are helping. Below are the village school projects and the needs for each. We hope to have the best schools in Ethiopia with the Wordia Schools at the top of the list Here's how you can help-
Robit was the very first school that we took on when we started in 2014. Since we have started the drop out rate has fallen from 35% to .9% and the school is the number one performing school in the area and region. There is still work to do in Robit. Please see our project list below.
Mattresses for Kindergarten Sleep Room Project Budget: $250 Our kindergarteners need a nap and they need a place to sleep. We have an area but right now they are sleeping on the hard ground. Our goal is to get a napping area for them with mattresses. Junior English Dictionaries Project Budget: $250 There is a lack of Junior English Dictionaries. Right now there are not enough to go around for the students who are needing to learn English. Latrines in Robit Project Budget: $6000 The school needs latrines for their kindergartenstudents. Currently they have no bathrooms. This will help to get them the proper sanitation along with sanitation classes. Kindergarten Rooms to expand Kindergarten in Robit Project Budget: $20,000 for 2 Rooms Currently our school in Robit has seen an increase in the number of students in Kindergarten due to the success the school has been having because of our work there! |
Areybia was our second school that we began to take on in 2015. Since then we have seen Areybia grow by leaps and bounds. The community is supportive and the students have almost 100% attendance. They are excited to learn. Drop out rate is less than 1%! Areybia is led by principal Fasil Member.
Finish Areybia Library (COMPLETED!) Currently we are constructing a library at the school in Arabia, Ethiopia. We are $5,000 short! Reference Books for Library (COMPLETED!!) $900 To Fill the Library Fill the new Areybia Library with Reference books that will help students study for the national exams and improve reading skills. Flooring for Classrooms (Fully Funded!) Project Budget: $1,500- 7 Rooms needed. The school currently has dirt floors. With holes in the roof, when it rains the floors are mud! Sponsor a room for Latrines (Completed!!) Project Budget: $5000 The school needs latrines for their students. Currently they have no bathrooms. This will help to get them the proper sanitation along with sanitation classes. IT Room Project Budget: $4500 Computers, Desks, and Printers for students to learn computer skills necessary for high school and college. Security Fencing Project Budget: $18,000 Secures the entire school grounds against vandalism. Also provides security for students during the day. This is common in Ethiopia. |
Achera is our newest school! When we arrived at Achera we knew we had our work cut our for us. The school needs a lot of help. Achera serves 937 Students and has 18 teachers. Achera is served by principal Daniel Gnetu. If this school could add more classrooms and have more space an estimate 1500 students could be served. That is a lot of students missing out on education.
Books and Reference Books Project Budget: $3500 We always start at the ground level, and students can't learn if they don't have books. There aren't nearly enough books for the student. Currently the students have about 1 book for every 10-12 students and they have no reference books. We can get all the necessary books needed for so little! Science Kits Project Budget: Coming Soon! The students love science and they have no science kits to learn the basics in biology and chemistry. Latrines Project Budget: $6000 The school needs latrine. Currently they have no bathrooms. This will help to get them the proper sanitation along with sanitation classes. Library Project Budget: $12,000 WE have seen what library can do for a school. Grades go up and students pass their exams! This is important. Laboratory Project Budget: Budget Coming Soon The students need a proper place to learn science. Security Fence Project Budget: $18,000 Secures the entire school grounds against vandalism. Also provides security for students during the day. This is common in Ethiopia. Maintenance on Current Classrooms Project Budget: Coming Soon Currently in Achera the rooms are mud floors and have no doors. These rooms don't have chalk boards and need to be updated drastically. Additional Classrooms Project Budget: Coming Soon We currently need about 8 additional classrooms. Right now the classrooms in Achera host about 100 students per class! This is much needed. |
Dablo is our other school that we have recently added in 2017 in the Wordia Area. Like Achera, Dablo needs a lot of help! There are 1209 students with 20 teachers. Currently they are sitting 100 students per classroom and they had to turn away an additional 800 students.
Books and Reference Books Project Budget: $3500 We always start at the ground level, and students can't learn if they don't have books. There aren't nearly enough books for the student. Currently the students have about 1 book for every 10-12 students and they have no reference books. We can get all the necessary books needed for so little! Science Kits Project Budget: Coming Soon! The students love science and they have no science kits to learn the basics in biology and chemistry. Latrines Project Budget: $6000 The school needs latrine. Currently they have no bathrooms. This will help to get them the proper sanitation along with sanitation classes. Library Project Budget: $12,000 We have seen what library can do for a school. Grades go up and students pass their exams! This is important. Laboratory Project Budget: Budget Coming Soon The students need a proper place to learn science. Right now a majority of them fail sciences. This can help improve those scores! Security Fence Project Budget: $18,000 Secures the entire school grounds against vandalism. Also provides security for students during the day. This is common in Ethiopia. Maintenance on Current Classrooms Project Budget: Coming Soon Currently in Achera the rooms are mud floors and have no doors. These rooms don't have chalk boards and need to be updated drastically. Additional Classrooms Project Budget: Coming Soon We currently need about 8 additional classrooms. Right now the classrooms in Achera host about 100 students per class! This is much needed. |